Workout of the day
Tuesday, November 14th 2023
100m run
10 KB swings
10 goblet KB lateral lunges
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – 2 light/moderate DB’s, pull up bar, rings, barbell
:30 wide stance forward fold middle/right/left
1:00 deep squat, move feet out closer to sumo stance every :15
*grab 2 DB’s
50′ single DB overhead carry / side
50′ double DB overhead carry
50-100′ farmers walk, hold each DB by it’s head
10 DB Deadlifts
10 ring rows
*grab barbell
2 x :10 Rack Pull
10 sumo stance good mornings
PRIMER – empty barbell
6 Muscle Cleans
6 Strict Press
3 Clean and Jerks
E2M x 5
3 Dead Stop Sumo or Conventional Deadlifts
@ 60-70%
2 DL singles – 10-20# heavier than above
*your choice on style of deadlift. We will be building to a heavy single this cycle so choose which style you want to max out with and stay with it for the full cycle.
Every 3 Minutes x 5 Sets
-200m Run
-5 Clean and Jerks (165/115) (Rx+205/145)
*score is slowest round
*2:00 cap on all rounds, cut run to 150m if needed. These should be fast efforts
*singles on the barbell