Workout of the day
Tuesday, November 21st 2023
WARM UP – empty barbell
8 back squats
4 lateral burpees over bar
8 front squats
4 lateral burpees over
8 thrusters
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – Hip Circle, barbell
2 Sets
6/6 Half Circles
12 Lateral Steps
12 Glute Bridges
*grab Barbell
v-sit Grabbing barbell
:20 Lunge hold (knee just of ground)
10 Walking Lunges
10 Lunge Jumps
warm up weight barbell
5x 1.5 back squats + 5 jump squats
EMOM x 10
2 Back Squats
:01 pause in hole every rep @ 63-73%
*slightly heavier than last week. Make sure you are still pausing
EMOM x 18
:30 Max Cal Bike
:30 Max Walking Lunges (50s/35s)
:30 Max Burpees to a Target
*like last week, looking to really push the pace during working portion. score is total reps.