Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, September 5th 2023

WARM UP – pull up bar

50 bar taps

8 burpee pull ups or burpees to 6″

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – heavy band, pull up bar, barbell

:15 hollow hold into :15 superman hold into :10 hollow into :10 superman

:25 side plank / side

*grab heavy band

:20 banded overhead tricep stretch / side

:20 banded supine hamstring stretch / side

2x :10 partner t-spine opener hanging from pull up bar (dead hang w/ parter pushing behind pushing into mid-back between/underneath shoulder blades)

6x kip swing + 6x alt single leg

TTB 6 TTB or T2A

*grab barbell

5/5 landmine single leg RDL (don’t need an actual landmine for this. Just do with bar on ground)

10 deadlifts w/ :01 pause at knee on way up and down

5 power cleans w/ :03 pause in power position

2 wall walks w/ shoulder tap each step


AMRAP – 15

200m Run (2 Reps)

10 Deadlifts @ 225/155

10 TTB

2:00 rest

AMRAP – 15

200m Run (2 Reps)

4 Power Cleans @ 185/135

4 Wall Walks

NOTES Long workout. Run at sustainable pace. Barbell weight should allow DL to be done in no more than 2 sets. Power Cleans should be done as singles. SCALING 200m Run – 250m Row

*two separate scores

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