Workout of the day
Wednesday, April 10th 2024
WARM UP – bike, heavy Band
6/4 cal bike easy
6/4 cal bike workout pace
6/4 cal bike sprint
25′ Band Resisted Side Shuffle
25′ Band Resisted Bear Crawl
25′ Band Resisted March
25′ Band Resisted Sprint
*grab foam roller
:30 foam roll t-spine
:30 foam roll quads / side
:30 foam roll lats / side
:30 thread the needle, front arm elevated on roller / side
8 foam roller RDLs, roller pinned b/t forearms and legs
8 foam roller overhead squats to just above parallel, :03 pause
PRIMER – barbell
4 high hang muscle cleans + front squat to just above parallel
4 hang muscle cleans + front squat to just above parallel
4 power cleans, receive just above parallel
10/7 Cal Echo Bike
Max Rep Wallball (20/14) (Rx+30/20)
:60 rest b/t
@ 12:00
50 Wallballs For Time (20/14) (Rx+30/20)
*2 scores – WB reps and WB Time
NOTES Bike must be done no later than :30 mark. Decrease cals if needed.
EMOM x 5
2 Segmented Power Clean @ 60-70%
:01 pause 1″ above knee
+ 1 Minute Rest
EMOM x 3
3 Power Cleans
*performed as quick singles
*find a heavy set of 3, no pause