Workout of the day
Wednesday, April 26th 2023
:20 on, :10 off
Bike, increasing intensity
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – thick band, rope, box,
:30 lying banded hamstring stretch –> leg across body –> leg falls to same side
1:00 Box Pigeon
5/5 quadruped hip CARs
4/4 bird dogs
3/3 plank bird dogs
10 banded good mornings
Coach Led Turkish Get Up Tutorial
6 box steps overs
8 Single arm DB cleans w/ DB (Arm 1)
6 box jump overs
8 single arm DB cleans w/ DB (Arm 2)
2/2 turkish get ups w/ light DB
AMRAP – 10 @ easy pace
5-8 Strict Chin ups
3/3 Turkish get ups – building heavy
:30 Crossover Single Practice or Double Under Practice (you pick)
AMRAP – 15
6-8-10-12 DB Power Clean @ 50/35s
BBJO (30″/24″)
:90 rest then,
AMRAP below until 15min
6-8-10-12…etc DB Lunge @ 50/35s (farmer hold, reverse or walking)
*30 Cross over single unders after each set
DB weight needs to be something going unbroken may be possible
Crossovers – 20 reps, 30 Double under, 60 single unders
STIMULUS Focus on trying to pace on burpee and the jump rope and push the DB