Workout of the day
Wednesday, April 3rd 2024
WARM UP – Barbell
10 Barbell RDL’s
:20 BB trunk twists
3 inch worm to push up
*band on rig at knee height
4/4 single leg RDLs, band around knee pulling laterally to rig
8/8 SA Rows
:45 Spanish Squat Hold
*band on pull up bar
8/8 half kneeling banded pulldowns
8 seated behind the neck banded lat pulldowns
:30 cat/cows
:30 downward to upward dog flow
:30 side lying quad stretch / side
:30 overhead tricep stretch / side
PRIMER – barbell
:20 jerk dip hold
8 Push Press
2x :10 eccentric strict press
5 Tall Push Jerks
Perform with bar starting on floor
E :90 x 7 Sets
2 Push Press
2 Push Jerk
@ 63-73% of 1RM split jerk
12/8 cal echo bike
Max Rep DB Snatch @ 70/50
:60 rest b/t
@ 14:00
30/20 Cal echo bike (rip it!!!)
NOTES Bike must be done no later than :30 mark. Decrease cals if needed. If you can really put some power into the bike you need to be on an Echo bike and not an assualt. If you use bike erg damper should be on 10 and must be done standing.
2 Scores -DB snatches and Bike Time