Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, August 7th 2024

WARM UP – bike

24/18 cal bike

2 wall walks, :05 pause at top

:30 wall hinge


8 reverse snow angels

*grab barbell

8 good mornings

:30 front rack elbow punches

8 front squats

8 SLOW clean Pulls

5 Tall Power Cleans

8 push press + :30 overhead hold

4 Push Jerks – pause in catch

4 Split Jerks – pause in catch

3-4 Clean and jerks warming up weight


10 Minute Window to

Build to heavy Power Clean + Jerk

*any style on jerk, must power clean


E5M x 4 Sets

20/15 cal echo

5 Power Clean and Jerks @ 135/95

5 Wall walks

5 Power Clean and Jerks

4:00 CAP/set for first 3 sets (cut wall walks down if needed)

NOTES Echo bike should be a moderate pace to allow for quick reps on the barbell. Most important part in this workout is getting through WW quickly. Score = slowest round.

NOTES Echo bike should be a moderate pace to allow for quick reps on the barbell. Most important part in this workout is getting through WW quickly. Score = slowest round.