Workout of the day
Wednesday, February 7th 2024
WARM UP – MB 400m run
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – MB, DB’s, rings/pull up bar
8 single leg MB v-ups + 4 MB v-ups
:30 t-spine opener on MB
:30 spiderman stretch, back knee on MB / side
:30 child’s pose, hands on MB
:20 plank on MB + :15 small plank circles on MB / side
*grab 2 DB’s
10 double DB swings
5 double DB push press
5 double DB hang to overhead, keeping DB’s close to body
:20 dead hang on rings or pull up bar
6 kip swings pull up bar, increasing ROM each rep
4 plank walk outs as far as possible
For Time (18min CAP)
40/32 Cal Row
40 goblet squats @ 50/35
40 Pull-Ups
40/32 Cal Row
40 DB Snatch @ 50/35
40 Box jump overs @ 24/20″
NOTES Encourage a conservative pace on the row and front half of the workout. DB Snatch and Goblet squats should be done in sets no smaller than 10.
E3M x 4
10 DB bench press @ moderate load
20-40′ HS Walk, 12 Shoulder Taps, :20 HS Hold
:20-:30 L-sit or knee tuck