Workout of the day
Wednesday, January 17th 2024
WARM UP – bike
1:00 legs only bike
1:00 arms only bike
1:00 bike
10 over the fences
10 under the fences
:30 stagger stance hamstring stretch / side
5 inch worm to hand release push up
10 scorpions
:30 kneeling forearm stretch
:30 90/90 stretch / side
6 90/90 hip switchest
*grab BB
5 RDLs
10 deadlifts
10 high pull to turnover
5 strict press
5 push jerks w/ pause
PRIMER – with workout weight
5 Deadlifts
4 Cleans
3 S2OH
For Time:
40/32 Cal Row
30 Wallballs (20/14) (Rx+30/20)
20 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 S2OH
*16 Minute T.C.
NOTES Row shouldn’t be anything too aggressive. Big Sets on WB, 2 Breaks max. Power cleans singles will be a good strategy. Unbroken on S2OH.
E :30 x 20 (10min)
1 Power Clean and Push Jerk
*not looking to get super heavy here
*trying to move fast and punch under the bar on jerk