Workout of the day
Wednesday, January 24th 2024
400m Jog (Row if needed)
:30 box pigeon / side
3/3 Controlled Step Downs
:30 seated forward fold
*mini band around knees
10/10 banded side steps
10/10 banded monster walks forward/ backward
10 air squats
8/8 clam shells
*band around feet
20 high knee marches
6/6 curtsy lunges
:20 hip airplanes / side
:20 dead hang from pull up bar or rings
5 big kip swings on pull up bar or rings
10 Barbell Back Squats
5 Box Jumps
Every 2 x 5 Sets
7, 5, 5, 3, 3
Back Squats
*Start lighter and build to 85% for final set of 3
For Time (19min CAP)
800m Run
10 goblet squats @ 70/50
10 box jump over (24″/20″)
10 pull ups (Rx+ C2B)
NOTES Run should be moderate pace. All movements should be unbroken for majority of the workout.
Modify run – 1000m Row if bad weather PU – cut reps or jumping box jump – low box or plates