Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, July 12th 2023

WARM UP – Rope

:30 Jumping Bar Taps

:30 rest

:30 Single Unders

:30 rest

:30 double unders

:30 rest

:30 double unders


2 Sets

-10 Banded Pull Aparts

-10 Banded Strict Press

-10 Jump Squats Primer

-2 Ground to Standings

:30 Shoulder Taps

5 Pike Push-Ups


AMRAP – 10 @ easy pace

1 Rope Climbs – read below

**HS walk progressions** – read below

Rope Climbs are meant to be done as hardest variation you can

1. Seated legless + controlled descent

2. Normal Legless RC

3. Normal RC + legless descent

4. Normal RC

5. 3 Rope get ups HS walk

1.10 shoulder taps from Pike position from box

2. :20-:30 wall facing HS hold

3. 10 Wall facing HS shoulder taps

4. 15-30′ HS walk

5. 50′ with piroutte turn around


AMRAP – 15

100 Double Unders

50 Air Squats

25 Pushups

10 Strict Pull-Ups

SCALING 100 DU – 70 DU – 150 Single unders

PULLUPS – Banded Strict Pull-ups

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