Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, July 17th 2024

WARM UP – barbell

100m run

10 overhead squats @ empty barbell

10 front squats


-Barbell Quad Smash

4/4 Worlds Greatest Stretch

10 Deadbugs

*grab hip circle

5/5 Half Circles

10 Lateral Steps

5 Air Squats

10 Glute Bridges

5/5 Clam Shells

PRIMER – barbell

5 Pause Back Squats

right into

5 Jump Squats


Every 3 Minutes x 3 Sets

5 Pause Back Squat

*no percentages, try and build heavier than last weeks 6 reps


For Time


200m Run

10 OH squats @ 95/65 (Rx+135/95)



200m Run

10 Front Squats @ 95/65 (Rx+135/95)


CAP NOTES Squats need to be performed unbroken for more rounds than not. A lot of squats in this workout. needs to be a weight that is light for you.

MODIFY OH squats – decrease load OR perform back squats 200m Run – 250m row

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