Workout of the day
Wednesday, June 21st 2023
35 empty bar thrusters or 25 burpees
:30 downward dog w/ reaches toward opposite foot
:30 upward dog
:30 plank shoulder taps
10 wide push ups, fingers outwards
20/20 split squat pulses
10 wall facing HS scap push ups
3 x :10 wall facing HS holds
5 kickup to HS against wall w/ :03 Pause
PRIMER – empty barbell
10 alternating jumping lunges
5/5 Back Rack Lunge w/ Pause at balance point
E2M x 5
8/8 Barbell Back Rack Reverse Lunges
~35-40% of 1RM back squat / must be heavier than last week
AMRAP – 15
40 crossover single unders
8 Strict HSPU
16 DB Squats (50/35s)
40 crossover single unders
:60 rest b/t
NOTES If you’re spending more than :50 on the crossovers you need to decrease reps. HSPU should have no more than 2 breaks.
SCALING Crossovers – 30 Double unders or 60 Single unders
Strict HSPU – decrease reps to 5, #10 and ab mat or 8 seated DB strict press