Workout of the day
Wednesday, June 28th 2023
WARM UP – rower
200m row easy pace
300m row moderate pace
rest :20
100m row sprint
8 calf raises
8 calf raises toes pointed out
8 calf raises toes pointed in
:30 calf stretch / side
:20 dead hang
:20 narrow grip dead hang
:10-:20 chin up iso hold
*grab starting weight KB for skill piece
100′ overhead carry / arm
10/10 single arm KB swings
5/5 single KB single leg RDL’s
5/5 goblet reverse lunges, as little weight on back leg as possible
3/3 KB snatch
10 Big Ring or Bar Kip Swings
10 Pushups or 5 Ring Dips
AMRAP – 12 @ easy pace
5-8 Strict HSPUS (choose Hardest Variation)
6/6 KB snatch – building weight
:30 Sorenson hold – hug plate if possible
1. Deficit (you choose)
2. Regular Strict
3. Eccentrics w/ Kip Back Up
4. Box HSPUs
5. DB Z Press
For Time
500m Row
:60 rest
right into
20 Wall Balls
10 Strict Dips (Rx+8 Bar Muscle Ups)
5 Wall Walks (Rx+ 50 HS Walk)
:60 rest b/t rounds
20min CAP
NOTES 2 scores, 500m row and the 4x. I want you rowing at a pace that will make the metcon harder. WB/BMU should have no more than 1 short break. HS walk should take no longer than :60
SCALING BMU – strict dips HS walk -wall walks