Workout of the day
Wednesday, November 8th 2023
WARM UP 400m run
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – moderate weight KB
*grab 1 KB
4 Jefferson curls, KB or bodyweight
6/6 suitcase RDLs
4/4 single KB front rack reverse lunges
:30 half kneeling ankle dorsiflexion mobilization, KB on knee / side
:30 half kneeling adductor stretch / side
:30 twisted hip opener / side
12 hollow rocks
8 hollow to arch rolls
PRIMER – barbell
10 Sumo Squats
10 Sumo Deadlifts
E4M x 4 (16min)
5 Sumo Deadlifts (moderate)
100′ DB Farmer carry @ very heavy
10 Unstable Bar Strict Press
NOTES Have athletes start in different locations equipment purposes. Encourage athletes to build weight on DB and Barbell every set if possible.
AMRAP – 12
200m Run
12 Chest to Bar Pull ups
8 Thruster @ 115/85
*Every round thrusters increase by 2 reps
*no rest b/t rounds
Pullups and thrusters should start with no more than 1 break.
SCALE – C2B to pull-ups or jumping C2B