Workout of the day
Wednesday, October 4th 2023
WARM UP – bike
1:00 bike legs only
1:00 bike arms only
1:00 bike
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – barbell, wall, pull up bar
6 back squats
6 front squats
4/4 back rack reverse lunges
:30 child’s pose
:20 passive bottom squat
:20 active bottom squat
:20 passive bottom squat
5 strict press + 5 push press + 5 thrusters, slow descent on all
:20 HS hold w/ slow shoulder taps
PRIMER – 95/65 barbell (light barbell)
3 thrusters
5 cal bike sprint
3 thrusters
EMOM x 10
-Max Cal Bike
-3 Heavy Thrusters (building)
*score is heaviest lift + Cals
AMRAP – 15 @ moderate pace
200m Run
4-8 Strict HSPU
3-5 Muscle ups
NOTES No scores needed for this, I want it done at practice pace. Encourage athletes to work on skills.
SCALING HSPU – Box HSPUs OR DB strict press MU – bar, chest to bar, pull-up