Workout of the day

CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Saturday, August 31st 2024

WARM UP Jog Around Building 10 Pushups 10 Step Ups Jog Around Building Movement/Mobility :30 pigeon / side 5/5 curtsy lunges 10 SLOW air squats w/ arms overhead :30 child’s pose *grab 1 DBs 5 strict Press :20 OH hold 5 Strict Press *repeat other arm 10/10 single leg glute bridges 5/5 T-Spine Rotations *set […]

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Friday, August 30th 2026

WARM UP bike, barbell 15/12 cal bike then 15 burpees OR 20 empty barbell thrusters then 3 Rope Ground to standings MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – barbell 25′ walking lunge w/ twist 25′ reverse lunge w/ overhead reach 25′ lateral lunge 25′ knee pull 25′ quad stretch w/ reach 25′ over the fence 25′ backward over the fence […]

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Thursday, August 29th 2024

WARM UP – rower 24/18 cal row MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – 1 DB 8/8 DB upright rows 8 DB DLs 8 DB Snatches :30 prone scorpions / side 10 reverse snow angels :30 90/90 hip stretch / side 1:00 seated forward fold :30 overhead tricep/lat stretch on rig / side 6 Burpees over Erg 10 Kip Swings […]

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Wednesday, August 28th 2024

WARM UP 3 Sets :20 Hollow Hold rest :10 :20 Burpees rest :10 :20 HS Hold rest :10 MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – light band, DBs 8 db overhead tricep extensions 6 goblet squats 8 db strict/push press / side 6/6 db single leg rdls 10 Cossack Squats 30 straight leg toe touches, optional DB in hands 10 […]

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Tuesday, August 27th 2024

WARM UP 60 lateral line hops :90 Bike (increase intensity every :30) MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – jump Rope 10 heel/toe rocks lean on rig 15 SLOW anterior tib raises 15 SLOW calf raises :30/:30 Calf Stretch on rig *find line on ground :10 fwd back hops :10 lateral hops :10 Single leg hops fwd/bkwd :10 sinlge leg […]

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