Workout of the day

CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Saturday Septmeber 17, 2011

Fight Gone Bad is here! Please show up early for your heat to get warmed up and to help judge/count.  Doors will open at 830AM so come early.  We’ll have water, coffee and some fruit available.  Also, Lululemon at Park Meadows mall has graciously offered to support our event and is donating a prize for the top […]

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Friday September 16, 2011

Think everyone enjoyed Super Grace 🙂  Changing pace for today. WOD1000m Row for time thenMax Shoulder PressMax Deadlift Last day to sign up for Fight Gone Bad.  Let’s get it done! FGB Post Party…we are planning on going to Denver Oktober Fest Saturday evening after the event.  Prob try and get there around 4-5pm.  […]

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Words of the Day

Here is a post from Lisbeth, she write tons of inspirational quotes and stories in her blog.  If you’re on twitter follow her to keep up with some of the latest CrossFit news.  I’ll try to be better about re-tweeting her posts.  Link on lower right side bar to follow MHCF and CrossFit Lisbeth on […]

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Thursday September 15, 2011

Sign up for Fight Gone Bad! Email with the time you’d like.  If you don’t want to work out feel free to still donate and/or stop by and watch the event! Hope everyone was able to check out the Friday events from the 2011 CrossFit Games on ESPN2! They will continue showing Saturday’s events […]

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Wednesday September 14, 2011

Only a few days left to sign up for FIght Gone Bad.  Email with the time slot you’d like.  We have slots open from 9:30AM through NOON.  To find out more information on Fight Gone Bad ccheck out the website: Gymnastic Training – Chris, Shara, Dan and Jamie are signed up for the […]

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