CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Friday November 4, 2011

ATTENTION…If you are planning on coming in on Saturday for the workout please wear or bring long socks, Thank you 🙂 Lots of big PRs today on the Squat Snatch!  Great job guys!! Pulling out a Hero WOD for Friday.  Work hard and push through. If you are interested there is a Demo of this workout […]

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Thursday November 3, 2011

Great job on those Chest to Bar Pullups today…gotta mix things up sometimes. WOD Strength: Back Squat 5 at 75%, 3 at 85%, 1+ at 95% Take 15 minutes to work up to a Max Squat SnatchThen…2 min Challenge AMRepsAP Squat Snatch at 75-80% of 1RMAnd some sled pulls afterwards 🙂 Reminder: No Olympic Lifting […]

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Wednesday November 2, 2011

5:30 am is CANCELLED. Thanks for your texts! I hope no one goes out unnecessarily. I will be there for all other classes. 720-280-0196 Time to work those Chest to Bar Pull Ups 🙂 WOD Strength: Deadlift 5 at 75%, 3 at 85%, 1+ at 95% Then…10-8-6-4-2Clean and Jerk (155/105)Chest to Bar Pull Ups Some […]

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Tuesday November 1, 2011

Happy November!  Hope everyone is recovered from the heavy squats and dip/push up combo…that was pretty sassy! Today we take on a versoin of an old North East Regional WOD called AirForce.  but first down to business…Congrats to Eric Tonn for winning the October Challenge. He rallied his buddies today to take the win! For […]

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Monday October, 2011

Last day for the October Challenge!  Chris Chin is currently in the lead…who can beat him!  Free month of CrossFit to the winner! Thanks to all who came out and helped to celebrate the 1 year anniversay of our Grand Opening.  It was a great event and we look forward to many more events in […]

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