CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Wednesday September 14, 2011

Only a few days left to sign up for FIght Gone Bad.  Email with the time slot you’d like.  We have slots open from 9:30AM through NOON.  To find out more information on Fight Gone Bad ccheck out the website: Gymnastic Training – Chris, Shara, Dan and Jamie are signed up for the […]

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Nice work on the ‘Running Fran’ type wod!  More fun today.  2 5 min AMRAPs, go hard and fast for 5 minutes, grab a breather and then hit it again.  OHS weight is heavy so do something you can move well through.  Do NOT want to be stuck on 2 reps for the whole 5 […]

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Monday September 12, 2011

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Reminder:– FGB, please sign up for this Saturday (this will be the normal WOD that day).  Let a coach know what time you want or email  Please help us support the troops and their families Borrowed this lil beauty from the Mainsite. Enjoy 🙂 WOD 4 ROUNDS […]

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Sunday Open Gym 11AM to 1PM

See y’all then.  Come prepared with a make-up WOD or a skill/lift to work on.

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Saturday September 10

WOD20 min AMRAP20 Squat Clean to a Thruster (95/65)30 Hand Release Push Ups400m Run (together)50 Sledge Hammer Swings*1 partner works at a time but both run together

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