CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

CO Open After Party

Reminder, after the CO Open Sunday Amber is hosting a get together at her place.  The Games should be wrapping up around 430 or 5PM so we’ll head over right after.  See y’all there!  If you need info call Shara” 512-784-4279Ambers address:1778 South JasmineDenver, CO 80224

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CO Open WODs & Heats on SUNDAY

Sunday WOD #16 minute AMRAP5 Deadlifts (225/155)10 KB Thrusters – 10 each arm (53/35) Sunday WOD #2For Time:30 Wall Balls – 10ft target (30/20)30 Box Jumps (24/20)30 Power Snatch (115/75) WOD Heat Times Shannon – 9:30am & 12:45pm Shara – 9:40am & 1:00pm Koz – 10:20am & 2:00pm Jason H – 10:40am & 2:30pm Chad D – […]

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CO Open WODs 1-3 on Saturday

CO Open Parking Info: We will have all of the spots in the complex for our use.  All overflow parking will need to take place in the old Albertson’s parking lot just south of FRCF.  WE CAN NOT PARK ON VALENTIA OR IN THE CAR CENTER TO THE WEST OF OUR BUILDING!!!!   Please help us maintain […]

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Friday August 26, 2011

CO Open is this weekend at Front Range CrossFit.  The gym will be Closed Saturday so please feel free to stop by and watch the events.  Front Range is located at: Parker Road Business Center1338 South Valentia Street, Unit 182Denver, Colorado 80247303.919.4673 WOD2 min AMRAP Double UndersThenBehind the Neck Push Jerk1-1-1-1-1 You’ve got to get […]

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Class Schedule Additions!

We are adding some additional class and open gym times!  As always, let us know if a time not offered would work best for you.  As our box continues to grow we will keep adding more class times! MWF 4:30PMWe will be starting this class on Monday August 29th.  As a trial we’ll run this […]

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