CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Greg Glassman, Founder of Crossfit, states that “Anyone who wants the benefits and the results of Crossfit must understand–and then act on the information that nutrition is the foundation for all the other work you do in the name of athletic development and elite health.” It is the base of Crossfit. WOD Five rounds for […]

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Monday, April 11th, 2011

Shoulder Press: 40% x 5 reps50% x 5 reps60% x 5 reps THEN for time: 10…1 Box Jumps (24/20) 200M Run 

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Friday April 8th, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA! We are so happy to have Anna at Mile High CrossFit.  She’s a hard worker and fast learner (doing bandless kipping pull ups pretty much on her first day!) and always has a smile on her face and cheers others on.  Plus she has the greatest split jerk technique 🙂  Happy Birthday! […]

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Thursday April 7, 2011

For those participating in the CrossFit Open Games, please remember to report your scores and we will validate them. Thanks!  Great job yesterday on the WOD.  A few PRs which is awesome!  Tiff PR’d and then went on to complete 3 and a half rounds! The trick was to tell her the bar was 100#, […]

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Games WOD #3!! 5 Minute AMRAP1 Squat Clean (165#/110#)1 Jerk (165#/110#)   This is only your 1st chance to attempt the WOD.  You will also have the chance to complete the WOD this weekend…time TBD!  If you will not be able to make it to class Wed or this weekend, please give us a heads […]

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