CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Tuesday April 5th, 2011

Great job on the WOD today!  This month we will be doing a new challenge the whole gym can partake in.  We will pick a new exercise each month.  For April we will challenge you to complete 1000 hand release push ups.  These are in addition to any push ups done in the warm up, […]

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Monday, April 4th, 2011

GREAT JOB everyone! on games WOD#2!  Looking forward to seeing what is in store for Week #3! WOD10 Rounds5 Pullups10 Push Press (95/65)15 Squats Your conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct.

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Saturday April 2, 2011

Class at 11:30 and another chance to do WOD#2.  Partner WOD “Love your Medicine Ball”Buy In: 20 Pull Ups each partner5 Rounds (mens weight 20#, women 14#)20 Med Ball Cleans 20 Sit up ball pass20 Partner Wall Balls20 Side to side ball pass20 Lunges with Ball overhead 200m Run with Ball (Run together, 1 partner must […]

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Friday, April 1st, 2011

Yes, it is NOT a joke… today we all get to try the 2nd GAMES WOD 15 Minute AMRAP 9 Deadlifts (155/100)12 Push-ups (hand release at bottom)15 Box Jumps (24″/20″) SCHEDULE: (times open to everyone, even if you are not participating in the games, you still get to do the wod) 5:30 AM Class (if […]

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

WOD: 6 Rounds7 Power Cleans (165#/105#)150m Run This WOD is from the 2010 CO CrossFit Open.

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