CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Wednesday January 12, 2011

“The best revenge is massive success.” — Frank Sinatra Wednesday’s workout is the good ole benchmark “Barbara”.  Seems simple enough, right? WOD5 Rounds20 Pull Ups30 Push Ups40 Sit Ups50 Squats*3 min rest between each round (and yes, you’ll want it) Is that Dave’s thumb dangling from his hand? Ligament damage and he still reached his […]

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Tuesday January 11, 2011

Congrats to the MHCF athletes (Meghan, Phil, Amanada, and Jenna) who competed and rocked the King and Queen of the Beach Volleyball tournaments this past weekend!! Way to get through that WOD today.  Those wall walks were no joke.  And way to go Kerry. Cutting/bruising your shin on the max box jump and then going […]

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Monday, January 10th, 2011

I am making the call on the 5:30 am … DUE TO THE WEATHER THERE WILL NOT BE A 5:30 AM CLASS ON MONDAY, JANUARY 10th, 2011  If you are ever in doubt about class schedules please feel free to contact me at 303-916-3864 or 720-280-0196    WOD: Max Height Standing Box JumpThen…5 Rounds10 Wall […]

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CrossFit Article

Here is a link to the article Tiffany Grizzle wrote on us.  Thanks again Tiff! Search Parker CrossFit Article  

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Sunday, January 9, 2011 – OPEN GYM 1:30-3:00PM

Please note our newly added class times and evening class schedule changes, effective January 10th!

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