CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Monday, July 22nd 2024

WARM UP – rower 500m row MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – MB :30 Couch on WB :30 Tspine on WB :30 cat/cows 10 scorpions 1:00 book t-spine opener / side 1:00 twisted hip opener / side 8/8 Fire Hydrants 8/8 Donkey Kicks 6/6 Figure 4 Rotations 4 Kang Squats (pause in bottom) then, 6 Wallballs GET FIT For […]

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Saturday, July 20th 2024

WARM UP “The Warm Up” 3 Sets :15 Jumping Jacks :15 Air Squats :15 Spiderman :15 Jump Squats then 3 Sets :15 Hollow Hold :15 Side Plank :15 Transverse Squeeze :15 Side Plank then, 3 Sets :10 Iso Deadlift :10 Iso Bench Press into 2 Sets 6 Pushups 6 Deadlifts 6 Prone Snow Angles *build […]

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Friday, July 19th 2024

WARM UP – bike 15/12 cal bike slow :20 rest 7/5 cal bike fast MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – wall, bb 1:00 calf stretch on wall / side 10-15 wall facing HS shoulder taps or :20 hold :30 side lying quad stretch / side 8 calf raises w/ :05 pause at top 8 anterior tib raises w/ :05 […]

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Thursday, July 18th 2024

WARM UP 1:00 Easy Row 1:00 Easy Ski 1:00 Easy Bike into 2 Sets 100m Reverse Sled Drag 100m Farmer Carry 100m OH KB Carry (switch arms at turn around) *a little odd object stuff in the warm up, shouldn’t be crazy heavy but needs to have a little weight to it SWEAT DAY!!! EMOM […]

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Wednesday, July 17th 2024

WARM UP – barbell 100m run 10 overhead squats @ empty barbell 10 front squats MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – BB -Barbell Quad Smash 4/4 Worlds Greatest Stretch 10 Deadbugs *grab hip circle 5/5 Half Circles 10 Lateral Steps 5 Air Squats 10 Glute Bridges 5/5 Clam Shells PRIMER – barbell 5 Pause Back Squats right into 5 […]

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