CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Tuesday, July 16th 2024

WARM UP – DB 10 DB Good Mornings 10/10 single arm DB shoulder press 5 Burpees MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – DB :30 OH DB Tricep Extensions 5/5 DB windmills 10/10 plank DB pull throughs 8 hollow hold DB pullovers 8 DB Sit Ups :30 OH DB carry / side :20 downward dog :20 HS Hold or Shoulder […]

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Monday, July 15th 2024

WARM UP – rower 2x 7/5 cal row 7 Kip Swings (Rd 2 kipping Straight leg raises) 10 air squats (rd 2 wall balls) MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – barbell, PVC 1:00 child’s pose, hands supinated under bb 1:00 v-sit, hands on bb in front, walk hands side to side 8 lateral lunges, slide straight leg foot towards […]

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Saturday, July 13th 2024

WARM UP Partner 1 – Tabata Bike x 3 Minutes Partner 2 – Tabata x 3 Minutes (alternating) -High Plank -Glute Bridge Hold then Switch, Mobility/Movement :30 Cat/Cows :30 Figure 4 Rotations (each) :30 Wrist Stretch 10 Cossack Squats *grab DB 6/6 DB Strict Press 6 S/A DB Devils Press 10 DB OH Tricep Extensions […]

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Friday, July 12th 2024

WARM UP – light DB 10 hang DB snatches 10 lateral burpees over DB 10 goblet squats 5/5 single DB single leg RDLs MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – mini squat band, barbell *mini squat band just below knees 10/10 side plank clamshells 10 air squats w/ glute abduction 10 good mornings :30 bottom squat w/ band 1:00 couch […]

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Thursday, July 11th 2024

WARM UP 100m Jog then, -Walking Knee Tucks -Tin Soldiers -Walking Lunges -Quad Pulls -Toe Walks -Heel Walks -10/10 Leg Swings -100m Run -10 Cal Machine SWEAT DAY!!! 5 Rounds For Time: 300m Run 30 Box Step Ups (20 in) 20 Pushups 10 Slam Balls BONUS ABS!!! 3 Sets :30 Hollow Hold or GHD Hold […]

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