Wednesday May 30, 2012
WOD Strength: 4 x 5 Deadlifts Then… 1-10Front Squats (135/95)Push Press (135/95)
Tuesday May 29, 2012
WOD “Annie”50-40-30-20-10Double UndersSitups Then… At the top of every minute for 10 minutes:2 Power Cleans (Heavy – but must cycle the 2 reps, no dropping the bar)
Memorial Day Murph, Open from 10am until Noon
It’s been a tradition to do the Hero WOD “Murph” on Memorial Day so here we are again. We will be open from 10am until Noon, the WOD can be anywhere from 25 minutes or so to over an hour so please plan accordingly and arrive by 1120 at the latest. For those of you […]
Saturday, May 26th, 2012
10 AM Partner WOD! If you have XFIT GLOBAL on your iphone or android, you know what the WOD is!!!! Check it out! Sign up now!!