Workout of the day

CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Thursday May 10, 2012

WOD Strength: 10×2 Dynamic Deadlifts 5min AMRAP10 Push Press (135/95)10 Lateral Jumps (2-for-1) 3min REST 5min AMRAP10 Deadlifts (185/135)10 Hand Release Pushups Chris coaching the newbies!AMRAP with wall balls anyone?

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Wednesday May 9, 2012

THURSDAY – 6:30 AM Class time for those early risers who want a little extra sleep!!! Xfit Global – check it out… $.99 app for Iphone or Android phones. Put milehighcrossfit as your default and see classtimes, WOD, travel WOD’s and post your scores and see others who post. WOD Strength: 5-5-5 Shoulder Press 5 […]

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Tuesday May 8, 2012

Competition WOD 3 is up! WOD 18min AMRAP30 Double Unders20 Wall Balls (20/14)10 Toes 2 Bar

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Southwest Regionals – Spealler

Please take the time to read this post from CrossFit HQ blogger, Lisbeth Darsh. Even if you weren’t at the Regionals this weekend or don’t know who Chris Spealler is you can appreciate it. I struggle here today to find the words to place the performance of one man into context, to give perspective, […]

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Monday May 7, 2012

Remember to bring your money for the body fat testing today if you signed up and haven’t paid yet! WOD Strength: 5-5-5 Front Squats 3 Rounds15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)15 Burpees

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