Workout of the day

CrossFit workout of the day, nutrition tips and more

Monday, April 9, 2012

This week we will be holding class at 6:30 am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please still text the night before to let us know if you will be attending the 5:30 am class time. WOD books have shipped for those of you who ordered them. We only received payment from a couple people so […]

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Sunday Open Gym 12:30 – 2:00PM

Come work a skill, make up WOD or do the Competitors Challenge WOD!

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Friday April 6, 2012

Happy Friday! Get excited about the Easter Egg Hunt Team WOD on Saturday…woo hoo! Good luck to Joedy Hulings today as she takes her med school boards. Top MHCF female finisher in the Open while going through med school, pretty impressive…the next Julie Foucher 🙂 WOD Strength: Power Cleans – 5 at 65%, 75%, 5+ […]

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Thursday April 4, 2012

5:30AM and 6:30AM are ON! Also remember we have a 4:30PM on Thursdays now. For those of you who don’t normally follow the mainsite, check out the WOD video for Thursday’s WOD. Exercise is ‘hug-a-twinky’. You might see these soon 🙂 Cool downs anyone? For those interested in keeping the competitive atmosphere of the […]

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